So, life is getting pretty interesting right now. But that's enough of personal stuff. I want to rant a little bit about something most people think is basic:
Alright, so, I don't think gender exists. I know what you're thinking, "Whhhaaattt? But J, you have to classify me as something! The world needs gender!"
Nope. Not at all. Sure, the world needed gender, at one point in time, but not now. Not in the least.
Sure, gender is great for decorating the house in one of two lovely colours dictated to represent the sex of your newborn child, but it should not be a classifier.
I was lucky. I grew up not caring about gender categories. I also never deviated too far from the "girl" side of life, which was just how I was. Would I have grown up under scrutiny if I had decided to play with trucks and chop all of my hair off? Would I have become girly, regardless, if only to satisfy those looking down on me?
The sad answer is, probably. But why? Why do we decide that girls like Barbies and boys like Legos?
What's worse than setting limits on what someone can do, is that we look down, as a society, on people who deviate these things. The trans*, the androgyne, the pangender, the cisgender, the agender, the bigender, and the trigender, and everything else in between. There is such a large realm of possibilities when it comes to gender; why do we put such an emphasis on it? Why can't we just live at let live?
Why, in this day and age, do we still look at gender as some sort of important factor?